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Passing Props Into External Stylesheet In React Native?

I'm new to React and React Native. At the moment for each component I'm breaking the code into 2 separate files: index.js for all the React code, and; styles.js for the StyleShee

Solution 1:

I rather to have my styles in a separate file styles.js. Inside styles.js:

export const styles = (props) => StyleSheet.create({
        icon : {
        color: props.iconColor,
        fontSize: props.iconSize

Inside your main class you can pass the value

return (
    <Icon style={styles(this.props).icon} />

Alternatively you can those value directly so it would be

export const styles = (iconColor,iconSize) => StyleSheet.create({
    icon : {
    color: iconColor,
    fontSize: iconSize

and inside your main class

return (
    <Icon style={styles(this.props,iconColor, 
this.props.iconSize).icon} />

Solution 2:

i'm sending noFooter boolean prop in a style sheet

   <View style={styles.mainFooterCont(noFooter)}>
     <Text> Testing </Text>

and receiving it like

  mainFooterCont: noFooter => ({
   flexDirection: 'row',
   justifyContent: 'space-between',
   alignItems: 'flex-end',
   paddingBottom: noFooter ? 0 : 20,
   paddingTop: Metrics.ratio(noFooter ? 0 : 5),

Solution 3:

Create a class that takes iconColor and iconSize as arguments and returns a StyleSheet object

// styles.js

export default class StyleSheetFactory {
    static getSheet(iconSize, iconColor) {
        return StyleSheet.create({
            icon : {
                color: iconColor,
                fontSize: iconSize

// index.js

render() {
    let myStyleSheet = StyleSheetFactory.getSheet(64, 'red')

Solution 4:

Just wrap stylesheet in a function where you can optionally pass props.

Instead of:

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  Title: { color: 'white' }

You do:

const styles = (props?: any) => StyleSheet.create({
  Title: { color: 'white' }

And now when you add them to your components, instead of


You do:


and since this is optional and you have no props to pass, just do:


P.S. ignore the type if you, for some reason, are not using TypeScript :P

Solution 5:

Answer :

render() {

   const iconColor = this.props.color || '#000';
   const iconSize = this.props.size || 25;

   return (
   <Icon style={{...styles.icon, color: iconColor, fontSize: iconSize }} />

Example styles.js:

  const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  icon : {
    color: iconColor,
    fontSize: iconSize

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