Ajax JSON Data And Lightbox Conflicts
I have a gallery setup with the lightbox plugin lightGallery The gallery works perfect with static HTML. The problem arises when I dynamically grab API data and try to have the lig
Solution 1:
Call the plugin after the data is appended to the page
function displayPhotos(data) {
var photoData = '';
$.each(data, function (i, photo) {
photoData += '<a class="tile" data-src="' + photo.urls.regular + '">' + '<img alt class="photo" src="' + photo.urls.regular + '">' + '<div class="caption-box" id="' + photo.id + '">' + '<h1 class="photo-title">' + 'Photo By: ' + photo.user.name + '</h1>' + '<p class="photo-description"> Description: Awesome photo by ' + photo.user.name + ' aka: ' + photo.user.username + ' So far this photo has ' + '<span>' + photo.likes + '</span>' + ' Likes' + '</p>' + '</div>' + '</a>';
selector: '.tile',
download: false,
counter: false,
zoom: false,
thumbnail: false,
mode: 'lg-fade'
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