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Tool Tip Problem In Internet Explorer

css code /*********************/ /* Tooltip */ /*********************/ a.tooltip, a.tooltip:link, a.tooltip:visited, a.tooltip:active { position: relative; text-d

Solution 1:

to you question how to accept answers

enter image description here

  1. L.H.S has a non selected answer, click the tick mark to make the answer accepted answer
  2. The 1 indicates 1 vote up, -1 indicates 1 vote down
  3. To vote up press the upward faced pyramid and to vote down the other one, offcourse you need to have enough reputation points for that. So start accepting any answer for your questions and people will answer your questions happily :)

Hope this answers your question How to accept? I have no idea.?

Solution 2:

IE does not support :hover on anchor tags without an href attribute.

You will need to add the attribute to your code to make this work in IE For example:

<a class="tooltip" href="#">

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