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Function Window.focus Doesn't Work In IE (8, 9, 10, 11)

Here is my code, and this code to open new tab and focus on it. If tab is not opened yet, I will open it with specify name. If tab is opened, I will focus on it by using

Solution 1:

It's a security feature in Windows:

Here are a couple of work arounds to try:

Giving a child window focus in IE8

Solution 2:

This will work once due to the security issues

$(function() {
  $('#btnOpenTab').on('click', function(){
    openTab('', 'GG');

function openTab(url, tabNm) {
  var mTab ="", tabNm);
  mTab.document.write('<body onload="window.focus(); location.replace(\''+url+'\')">Please wait...</body>');

It failed to run twice because once the page loads it is no longer same origin.

I tried with an iFrame, but Google blocks that too now

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