Identify When Nested FOR Loops And IF Statement With One Asynchronous Function Call Are Done
I have a function with nested for-loops and IF statements and one call of an asynchronous function. The structure looks similar to this: search(){ // for loop 1 for (let i
Solution 1:
Koleman answered this perfectly on the official Ionic forum and thereby helped me with the solution: Link
His approach is to insert promises in the structure and to use Promise.all(promises).then(...)
to wait until all promises are resolved.
let promises = [];
// for loop 1
for (let i in object){
// IF statement 1
if (condition1){
// for loop 2
for (let o in object[i]){
// IF statement 2
if (condition2){
let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.asyncFunction().then( data => resolve(data));
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
reject('Something went worng!');
Promise.all(promises).then((results) => {
this.result = this.result.concat(results);
resolve('We done it!');
successText => {
failText => {
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