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Wait Until Fs.readFileSync Is Done

In my file functions.js i have two functions: var email, url1 function getFile(_callback){ email = fs.readFileSync('C:/Emails/' + items[2]) _callback(email); } functi

Solution 1:

I think that the export of functions.js should be exports.resetUrl = url1


You must try another approach because getUrl method performs asynchronous operation, so before the url1 is set, you do the exports.resetUrl = url1, so it always will be undefined.

I suggest you to add some callback parameter to getUrl function that can be used in test.js file in order to get access to url1 value

function getUrl(callback){
    getLatestMail(function(email) {
        email.split(/\n/).forEach(function(line) {
        if (i == 52) {
            var test = new Buffer(line, 'base64').toString(); 
            var regex = /=(.+?)"/g
            var result1 = regex.exec(test);
            url1 = result1[1].toString();
            // and here use the callback

exports.resetUrl = getUrl;

Then you could do in test.js

var Functions = require('../pageobjects/functions.js');

This is only one option that first came to my mind. I hope that you get the point and understand why url1 in your case was undefined all the time.

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