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Run Synchronouse Function In A Promise

I am new to JS and async operations. In a router of nodeJS using express, I have aggregated some data from mongo using mongoose. The data is weather data collected from different s

Solution 1:

I think I have figured it out:

  1. after all, have to make all synchronous functions asynchronous by prepending async to those functions;
  2. rewrite this part in the post router function, especially the array map part. I read from this. and in the map() gonna have try...catch... in it, otherwise it won't work.

    await stationDataCursor.toArray().then(async (docArr)=>{
            const newfeature = await Promise.all( function(x){
                    const feature = await calcDSV.calcDSV(x);
                    return feature
                } catch(err){
                    console.log("Error happened!!! ", err);

Hope it helps.

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