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Custom Autocomplete In Ace-editor Does Not Work After "."

I want to use autocomplete in the ace editor. After the user types foo. I want to suggest Actually I used the following code: var langTools = ace.require('ace/ext/languag

Solution 1:

You can bind the "." and then build your wordList. You can make your wordList global and use in the getCompletions or once you bind the "." use this code to get the before item ie foo, and then insert the value into the editor.

        name: "dotCommand1",
        bindKey: { win: ".", mac: "." },
        exec: function () {
            var pos = editor.selection.getCursor();
            var session = editor.session;

            var curLine = (session.getDocument().getLine(pos.row)).trim();
            var curTokens = curLine.slice(0, pos.column).split(/\s+/);
            var curCmd = curTokens[0];
            if (!curCmd) return;
            var lastToken = curTokens[curTokens.length - 1];


            if (lastToken === "foo") {
                // Add your words to the list or then insert into the editor using editor.insert()

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