Get The Newest File In A Google Drive Folder
I have the following lines in my Google App script, but the File API is now deprecated and I am unable to update the code. The original lines are: var folder = DocsList.getFolder('
Solution 1:
Here is the code that will get the newest file in the folder:
function getNewestFileInFolder() {
var arryFileDates,file,fileDate,files,folder,folders,
folders = DriveApp.getFoldersByName('yourFolderName');
arryFileDates = [];
objFilesByDate = {};
while (folders.hasNext()) {
folder =;
files = folder.getFilesByType("application/");
fileDate = "";
while (files.hasNext()) {//If no files are found then this won't loop
file =;
Logger.log('xxxx: file data: ' + file.getLastUpdated());
Logger.log('xxxx: file name: ' + file.getName());
Logger.log('xxxx: mime type: ' + file.getMimeType())
Logger.log(" ");
fileDate = file.getLastUpdated();
objFilesByDate[fileDate] = file.getId(); //Create an object of file names by file ID
if (arryFileDates.length === 0) {//The length is zero so there is nothing
//to do
arryFileDates.sort(function(a,b){return b-a});
newestDate = arryFileDates[0];
Logger.log('Newest date is: ' + newestDate);
newestFileID = objFilesByDate[newestDate];
Logger.log('newestFile: ' + newestFileID);
//return newestFile;
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById(newestFileID);
Logger.log('file name that is now open: ' + ss.getName());
Solution 2:
No worries about that, you can use DriveApp
instead. Refer to this page for all the possible methods you can use on Drive files:
Hope that helps!
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