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Moment.js AmDateFormat Always Returning Date From 1970 I'm using Moment.js and Angular-moment in my app. For some reason it's converting all my epoch timestamps to the same date from

Solution 1:

I'm just quickly summarizing the problem and solution.

Moment.js offers two different ways to create a date from a unix timestamp moment(1432252800) and moment.unix(1432252800).

Both start at the same time (Jan 1 1970 12AM UTC) but moment() uses the number as milliseconds, which are around 17 days and moment.unix() uses seconds.

angular-moment supports the amFromUnix filter, see source

You can use it the following way

<time am-time-ago="myDate|amFromUnix">

Solution 2:

Try to write own filter, like this:

 newapp.filter("fromTimestamp", function(){
   return function(timestamp, format){
     return moment.unix(timestamp).format(format)

And use them

<p class="date">{{date | fromTimestamp:'dddd, MMMM Do YYYY'}}</p>

Plunker demo

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