How Sum Dynamic Fields Using Wbraganca-yii2-dynamicform?
I'm new here. I need help. I use a plugins called 'wbraganca / yii2-dynamicform'. I have a form that allows the sum of two fields (caja1 and caja2, and the result of the add is 'to
Solution 1:
<td class="sortable-handle text-center vcenter">
<?= $form->field($modelOptionValue, "[{$index}]horas")->textInput(['onkeyup' => 'totales($(this))'])->label(false); ?>
<td class="sortable-handle text-center vcenter">
<?= $form->field($modelOptionValue, "[{$index}]valorhora")->textInput(['onkeyup' => 'totales($(this))'])->label(false); ?>
<td class="sortable-handle text-center vcenter">
<?= $form->field($modelOptionValue, "[{$index}]total")->textInput()->label(false); ?>
Use auto-generated field id instead of custom id. You can inspect element to find what is generated id for field. Assuming your field id. For ex. modelOptionValue-1-horas
for first field.
function totales(item){
var index = item.attr("id").replace(/[^0-9.]/g, "");
var horas = $('#modelOptionValue-' + index + '-horas').val();
horas = horas == "" ? 0 : Number(horas.split(",").join(""));
var valorhora = $('#modelOptionValue-' + index + '-valorhora').val();
valorhora = valorhora == "" ? 0 : Number(valorhora.split(",").join(""));
$('#modelOptionValue-' + index + '-total').val(horas + valorhora);
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