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Following A Javascript Postback Using COM + IE Automation To Save Text File

I want to automate the archiving of the data on this page, and upload into a database. I have b

Solution 1:

Here's a better way, using the mechanize library.

import mechanize

b = mechanize.Browser()
b.set_proxies({'http': '' })

b.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT)')]"")

b.form.find_control(name='__EVENTTARGET').readonly = False
b.form['__EVENTTARGET'] = 'a1'

print b.submit().read()

Note how you can specify that mechanize should use a proxy server (also possible using plain urllib). Also note how ASP.NETs javascript postback is simulated.


If your proxy server is using NTLM authentication, that could be the problem. AFAIK urllib2 does not handle NTLM authentication. You could try the NTLM Authorization Proxy Server. From the readme file:

WHAT IS 'NTLM Authorization Proxy Server'?

'NTLM Authorization Proxy Server' is a proxy-like software, that will authorize you at MS proxy server and at web servers (ISS especially) using MS proprietary NTLM authorization method and it can change some values in your client's request header so that those requests will look like ones made by MS IE. It is written in Python language. See

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