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Check/uncheck Tree With Toggle/slide - Few Minor Coding Issues

Whilst this does use some of the code from a question I asked yesterday (Dynamically check / uncheck checkboxes in a tree), I feel that this is a slightly different question as I n

Solution 1:


I have applied some modifications to your code. Have a look at the fiddle and comments (at the code, and at the bottom of the answer):

$('#delivery_zones :checkbox').change(function(){
     $(this).siblings('ul').find(':checkbox').prop('checked', this.checked);
         $(this).parentsUntil('#delivery_zones', 'ul').siblings(':checkbox').prop('checked', true);
     } else {                   
         $(this).parentsUntil('#delivery_zones', 'ul').each(function() {
             var $this = $(this);
             var childSelected = $this.find(':checkbox:checked').length;
                // Using `prevAll` and `:first` to get the closest previous checkbox
                $this.prevAll(':checkbox:first').prop('checked', false);

// collapse countries and counties onload

// Merged two click handlers
    var root =;              // Get the target of the element
    if($.nodeName(root, 'input')) return; // Ignore input
    else if(!$.nodeName(root, 'li')) {
        root = $(root).parents('li').eq(0); // Get closest <li>
    // Define references to <img>
    var img = $('.toggle img', root).eq(0);
    // Define reference to one of the wrap elements *
    var c_wrap = $('.country_wrap, .county_wrap', root).eq(0);
    if(img.attr('src') == ""){
        img.attr('src', '');
    } else {
        img.attr('src', '');

I have defined the root to be a <li> element. The first occurrence of the .count(r)y_wrap element should be selected, which is achieved using .eq(0).

Your previous code contained some logical errors, which I have also fixed: $('.toggle img', this) selects every <img> element which is a child of .toggle, which caused the arrows at the end of the tree to toggle too. My solution using is more neater, and allows your example to be extended to even deeper trees.

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