RTF Format In Web Text Editor
Solution 1:
Quill is a rich text web editor.
Using the code from the quickstart you could enable it like this
Create the toolbar container
<div id="toolbar">
<button class="ql-bold">Bold</button>
<button class="ql-italic">Italic</button>
Create the editor container
<div id="editor">
<div>Hello World!</div>
<div>Some initial <b>bold</b> text</div>
Include the Quill library
<script src="//cdn.quilljs.com/0.20.1/quill.js"></script>
Initialize Quill editor
var quill = new Quill('#editor');
quill.addModule('toolbar', { container: '#toolbar' });
Setting the editor text
editor.setText("RTF document ");
Getting the editor text
by default 0 will get everything in the editor
var text = editor.getText(0);
also see this Mozilla post which defines how to implement your own rich text editor.
Solution 2:
You could use Word to load the RTF file, then Save As HTML. Works but generates a pile of spurious MS- tags.
Or I've written a program (Visual Studio) that you can have if you want - it's a bit basic, doesn't deal with fonts, but converts most text formatting. Let me know if you're interested (I'd need to tidy it a bit - it's very old - a bit like me).
Though as I write this, I see that Wamadahama may have a better solution.
Solution 3:
I also cam to this point and solved it by converting the html to rtf with a npm package. Like i posted here How to convert HTML to RTF using JavaScript you can use the package created from npm html-to-rtf-browser and bundled to a single file like i describe here
form.onsubmit = function () {
// convert html to rtf
var htmlContent = editorElement.html();
var htmlToRtfLocal = new window.htmlToRtf();
var rtfContent = htmlToRtfLocal.convertHtmlToRtf(htmlContent);
return true;
Where editorElement
is the quill content element/editor as jQuery element
and form
is the parent form ( with jQuery $(editorElement).closest('form')
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