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Javascript: Extend Classes With Undefined Class

Consider the following two files: /* file A.js */ class A extends B { } /* file B.js */ class B { } If I accidentaly load these two files into the browser in the inverse order

Solution 1:

I'd resolve it by using modules. Modules declare their dependencies explicitly and you only have to reference the top-level module in the page; the rest will be loaded according to the dependency tree. So for instance, B.js would be:

export class B {
    // ...

Then A.js would be:

import { B } from "./B.js";
export class A extends B {
    // ...

Perhaps your main entry point (main.js or whatever) would have:

import { A } from "./A.js";
// ...

Then your page has

<script type="module" src="./main.js"></script>

...and the other dependencies are loaded as needed.

This works with native module support in browsers, and/or if you use a bundler like Rollup.js, Webpack, ...

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